The Boyfriend 03: Won’t You Charleston With Me

Nothing gets passed the head mistress, and Madame Dubonnet divines the truth of Polly’s mysterious admirer. The letter, of course, was written by the girl herself, whose father is so protective of her he won’t even let her have a boyfriend for fear he’d only be after her money. Poor Little Rich Girl! Is anybody truly free? As Madame Dubonnet leads the girl offstage, Bobby Van Husen sees his opening, shows up unannounced and just won’t leave. Won’t leave until Maisie promises him every dance at the ball tonight. The ball is a celebration of mystery and strangeness, but Bobby was not raised on not knowing, it was Bobby’s birthright to know. And so he does not ask, he demands. How does a body find its freedom in movement when the body is so bound by the world? Histories tumbles down through the lighting grid of the theater as Maisie – promising, promising, promising – shoves Bobby out through the window.  


The Boyfriend


Fancy Forgetting